Known Bugs for CrystalClear Interface 2.6
Updated for CCI 2.6, 3/25/12
Note: This list excludes bugs for applications that are included in CCI's "Incompatible Applications" list. Bugs for these apps are documented elsewhere.
- Finder unexpectedly restarts when you eject a disk image. The workaround for this is to select another item in the sidebar after ejecting the disk image, and before Finder completes the eject operation
- Pages’ document window title is black when should be white.
- Springy crashes when you close a window that’s set to icon view.
- Some applications may hang when first launched, but work properly after a force-quit. Two known examples are PlistEdit Pro and VoodooPad.
- In some applications, text in outline views may not change to the appropriate contrast color if the user has defined a dark window color. An example is Espresso, in which the "tabs" section of the sidebar has this problem.
- When using the Glossy button theme, buttons may appear with blue "stripes" inside its border when rendering on windows that don’t load CCI or when the user elects to show focus rings.
- Adjusting the color sliders when working in HSB values causes the H, S, and B values to change when you change on of the others.
- The text for "Revealovers" (tooltips for table rows that extend beyond the column) in some apps don't get the correct contrast color (should always be black).
- Users have reported that these applications have some kind of difficulty (some serious, some not) when they have CCI loaded, but I haven’t been able to investigate and verify:
- Delicious Library
- File Finder
- Mathematica
- Adobe Acrobat 8.0
- Adobe Photoshop CS 5.0
- OmniFocus
- When using the open panel (e.g., when trying to locate a "missing" file in your library) in iTunes, canceling the search can cause problems. For example, opening the panel again makes the popup menu at the top of the panel inaccessible — trying to use it causes the panel to close. iTunes also refuses to import new songs, or accept audio files dragged from Finder. To fix, you must relaunch iTunes.
- When upgrading to iTunes 10.4 or later, the “license agreement” screen will freeze, not letting you click any button. The solution is to add iTunes to your list of “disabled” apps in CCI’s System Preferences pane, and then run iTunes again. After you get iTunes running, you can, if you wish, re-enable CCI for iTunes, since 10.4 and later will now load it.
- If on your Mac you have more than one copy of apps for which CCI install custom graphics, the graphics may not get set when CCI is installed. You can usually fix this by using the "Manage Graphics" functions in the Graphics tab.
- When opening a single-page PDF file in Preview, you can't access the Annotation tools without either (a) toggling open the sidebar, or (b) opening a second file.
- When using the Black Gloss button theme, users of Firefox and Chrome will see black text on black buttons. This is because those browsers do not have the ability to use a custom style sheet, which is what solves this problem on Safari.
- Sometimes, PlistEdit Pro hangs when launched.
- When modifying the tab settings in a text-editing application, the tab icons may disappear temporarily. To get them back, click on the ruler again, or use the contextual menu item "Re-Theme Me."