Lots of Good Things Straight From Mars ...

Our Latest Messages
- 03.08.16
- Most Software Downloads Disabled.
Belatedly, I've removed the links to download various software packages I no longer support. (I no longer support any of the software described on this site, but I've left innocuous things like widgets available even though they don't work quite right in El Capitan.) Eventually, I'll update the text to make clear what software is not available for download anymore.
- 10.23.13
- Mars Themes Will Not Support Mavericks
Development for the Mars Themes software will not be extended to support Mac OS X Mavericks, as Leland Scott explains in a brief blog article.
- 07.22.13
- Updates for Mountain Lion and Mavericks
Both CCI and Crystal Black have been updated for Mac OS X 10.8.5 when it's released. The new versions also can be installed and uninstalled safely on the developer preview (only) of Mac OS X "Mavericks," though they do not incorporate Mavericks system graphics.
- 06.14.13
- Updated Crystal Black Uninstaller
Crystal Black 1.6.5 was recently released with an incorrect uninstaller for Mac OS X 10.8.4. The correct uninstaller has now been incorporated into the download for CB 1.6.5. If you downloaded an earlier version of 1.6.5 and have an uninstaller that doesn't work on 10.8.4, you may download the updated one here.
- 05.31.13
- Updates for Mac OS X 10.8.4
Both CCI and Crystal Black have been updated to add support for Mac OS X 10.8.4 when it is released.
- 03.20.13
- CCI Updated
This release adds support for Mac OS X 10.8.3. It also disables CCI automatically for Photoshop on Mountain Lion.
- More news
Software for changing the look, feel, and behavior of the Mac OS X interface
Icons to decorate your system files, documents, and applications.
Free Crystal Black skins for iTunes, CoverSutra, and more.
A collection of useful Dashboard widgets.
ShapeShifter themes for Mac OS X 10.4 ("Leopard") and earlier.
Some lovely designs for your Mac desktop.
Free software utilities for text editing and optimizing the Apple Mail database.
Alert styles for the Growl notification system, and a few other goodies.
All The Way From Mars ...
Over the years, the designers and programmers here on Mars have come up with a slew of cool ideas, designs, and software.
What started out as intrigue about the possibilities of changing the look and feel of the Mac OS X interface, "Aqua," turned into a raging passion. At the same time, our experience in web design and development made working on Dashboard Widgets and other
HTML-based desktop apps a logical endeavor.
While developing one theme in particular — then known simply as "Crystal Clear" — we discovered a way to
incorporate transparency into Mac windows. The technique involved use of a small Cocoa plugin called "SetAlphaValue." The use of this plugin gradually led us up the rather steep learning curve for the main software architecture behind Mac applications: Cocoa.
While learning Cocoa, we've also dabbled a bit in AppleScript, Unix shell scripts, and other languages... and this work produced some little apps as well.
Meanwhile, what started out as a design challenge did not diminish. Some Martians turned their talents to icon design, and others to developing images for decorating the desktop.
What none of us anticipated was the strain that working with such teeny-tiny graphics would place on our eyes. Martians have particularly keen vision, but the strength lies mostly in identifying distant objects — such as Earth. By contrast, working on icons, buttons, and other widgets that can tweak the Mac interface requires pixel-level attention. Although design tools easily enable one to zoom in on such objects, one still needs to be able to take in the whole object at actual size. We can do it, but boy do we get headaches!
Most of the downloads on the MarsThemes website can be used freely, but our two latest (and most complex) software tools — CrystalClear Interface and Crystal Black — require a license after the trial period.
P.S. If you're a Martian, we might consider giving you a discounted license. But you will have to prove your birth origins. :-)